The First United Methodist Church Foundation provides gifting opportunities to those individuals, families and foundations that wish to provide long-term support to the Church’s facilities, programs, ministries, and missions. The Foundation is a separate entity which only purpose is to support First United Methodist Church in Colorado Springs. The Foundation exists to accept donations, invest those donations wisely, and distribute earnings from those investments to FUMC in accordance with the donors’ wishes in support of the church’s mission and vision in serving Christ with open heart, open minds and open doors.
Richard Sorrell, Foundation Chair:
The current Board of Directors for the Foundation recognizes the value of planning for the future. God plans for the future by asking us to each be disciples of God's teaching now and in to the future. If we can Build the Legacy, we can increase the long-term financial stability of our church, demonstrating our faith in its future. If we can help our members plan for their own future, we would also help them care for their own families and leave their own legacy for future generations.
Starting from scratch, the Foundation has grown the current value of the assets it manages to over $10 million. While investment growth is central to the Foundation’s tenets, the most critical and valuable source of growth is the donation of assets from individuals, families, and family foundations who wish to build a legacy to benefit the church for many years into the future. With over 40 major donors, it is not possible to list all of the people who have chosen to donate to the Foundation here, but we are indebted to the kind generosity and foresight of many individuals and families, including the Arnold & Hazel Hatch Fund, the Hubbard Fund, the Donna O. Toncray Fund, the Essie O. Robertson Fund, and most recently, the Joyce & Perry Trytten Scholarship Fund and the Jack K. Agee Fund.
These scholarships are possible because of generous donations to the Foundation.
Scholarships are endowed when donors specifically designate their gift for that sole purpose and are often made in the name of an individual. These donations are invested and managed by the FUMC Foundation to increase their value over time and extend the number of students they can assist. The Foundation will continue to grow these funds so our FUMC students can look forward to scholarship assistance in the future. Scholarships for Higher EducationScholarships may be open to all students, may be designated to be distributed over a certain period, or designated to be used for a specific type of education. There are many scholarships available through FUMC for students with goals of higher education.
Do you want to help members of First United Methodist Church pursue higher education? The Foundation always welcomes additional money to increase the value of the present scholarships or for anyone who desires to establish a new scholarship in memory of a loved one or valued friend. Amounts of $10,000 or greater are needed to establish a new scholarship, but any amount can be donated to the Foundation to enhance one of the present scholarships.